Jacket hopsack “finto” three buttons

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1. Suits and Jackets, 1.1 Morning, 1.2 Afternoon


Jacket “finto” hopsack three buttons dark brown.
unlined semi with bemberg burberry.
Pockets patches.
Double stitching.
Horn buttons.
Entirely hand-stitched.

.button-67cdaa71d827d { margin-bottom: 15px; margin-top: 0px; min-width: 0px !important; }

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Plaid jacket in pure cashmere "finto" three buttons. Double stitching. Bemberg lining. Sleeve shirt. Horn buttons. Pockets patches. Neapolitan tailoring Tailoring Antonelli, artisan, tailor, tailoring lello antonelli, sewing craft, tailored suits, Neapolitan craftsmanship, napoliJacket pure cachemire TWEED Neapolitan tailoring Tailoring Antonelli, artisan, tailor, tailoring lello antonelli, sewing craft, tailored suits, Neapolitan craftsmanship, napoli